SGD Analysis: Schools

This page includes four segments with specific analyses regarding Triple Crown Business Schools and Sustainable Development Goals

  1. SGD Ratio Analysis
  2. SGD Analysis for/between Specific Schools
  3. Analysis from the perspective of a specific SDG
  4. Regional Analysis

1. SGD Ratio Analyses

  • In this segment of the dashboard, the ratio between the total amount of publications and the amount of papers that contribute to SDGs will be analysed.
  • A comparison will be given about the differences in SDG ratios for Triple Crown Schools and Non-Triple Crown Schools and, consequently, an analysis about the SDG ratio for Triple Crown Business Schools specifically will be provided first.
  • A visual is provided about the correlation between the SDG Ratio and the CiteScore

When we compare the SDG ratio for Triple Crown Business schools and publications with other affiliations we observe that Triple Crown Business schools consistently have a higher share SDG related publications.

We observe both an increase in total number of publications for the Triple Crown Business schools as well as an increase in SDG-related publications by these schools

Below we rank the Triple Crown Business schools by their SDG ratio. We divide the number of SDG related publication by the total number of publications to correct for schools with a large research output.

Small: fewer or equal to 50 publications per year

Medium: fewer or equal to 80 publications per year

Large: more than 80 publications per year

In the figure below you can compare the SDG ratio with CiteScore, we see that there are some journals that score high on both dimensions

2. SGD Analysis for/between Specific Schools

This part of the dashboard enables the user to zoom in to a specific Triple Crown School. The segment contains analyses about:

  • An overview per school and their SGD output
  • Temporal analysis of the SGD Ratio of a specific school
  • Temporal analysis on the output of a specific school for the SGD categories (Planet, People, Economy)
  • Analysis between the schools and their SGD output

Below you can find the Sustainable Development Goal profile for individual schools. Here we present the number of publications for each SDG. 

Below you can find the Sustainable Development Goal profile for individual schools. Here we present the number of publications for each SDG. 

Below you can browse through the publications to see what the high scoring articles for a specific SDG. We only include publications that score high according to the model. Clicking on the DOI will redirect you to the Google Scholar page of the publication.

Below you can browse through the publications to see what high scoring articles are for all SDGs. We only include publications that score high according to the model. Clicking on the DOI will redirect you to the Google Scholar page of the publication.

We see that the SDG contribution of the Triple Crown Business schools is primarily focussed on 'People' and 'Economy' oriented Sustainable Development Goals

Below you can find progression of SDG related publications and total number of publications over time for individual schools.

Below we present the SDG ratio over time. Here we divide the total number of SDG related publications by the total number of publications to determine if the share has increased or decreased.

In the figure below we determine the ratios by dividing the total number of SDG related publications of the school by the number publications for each individual SDG. Here we can compare three schools on their SDG-profile.

In the figure below we determine the ratios by dividing the total number of SDG related publications of the school by the number publications for each individual SDG. We average the results for publications in the years 2015 - 2019.

The heatmap below shows the number of SDG-related publications for each SDG - school combination.

The heatmap below shows the number of SDG-related publications for each SDG - school combination over a period of 5 years

3. Analysis from the perspective of a specific SDG

The visual below provides insights on the contribution of the schools to a specific SDG; the pie chart enables the user to visualize which schools have published on a specific SDG in a specific year.

4. Regional Analysis

The visuals in this part of the dashboard are meant to provides insights and comparisons for a specific geographic region (continent or country). The analysis is twofold:

  • The table enables the user to visualise the SGD Ratio for a specific country and a specific period.
  • The line chart visualizes the SGD ratio through time per continent

Small: fewer or equal to 50 publications per year

Medium: fewer or equal to 80 publications per year

Large: more than 80 publications per year