Each publication can relate to a single SDG or multiple SDG’s, and each case can have multiple levels of relatedness to the SDGs.

In order to determine the SDG GPA we use all the results produced by the SDG mapper, not only the results with a >50% proxy as applied in the SDG ratio metric. We calculating the percentage of cases that fall in different proxy quartiles (excluding impact cases that have a zero SDG relatedness score, as “unclassified”).

The SDG significance is calculated by multiplying the % at each quartile by a weight. Next, the weighted % is summed and divided by 100 to determine the final SDG Significance. As we do not have the availability of many experts and panels to decide on the scores, we need to rely on the proxies provided by the algorithm and the distribution of all the proxies on an business school’s portfolio of publications cases over the SDG’s. SDG significance gives an indication of the overall power in SDG relatedness of an business school. 


The following table summarizes the SDG GPA logic and the 5 SDG significance metric levels.


Quartile score of SDG GPA Weight SDG Significance score SDG Significance metric
0 0 0 Unclassified
0 - 0.25 1 0-0.25 1 SDG Star
0.25 - 0.50 2 0.5 - 1 2 SDG Stars
0.50 - 0.75 3 1.5 - 2.5 3 SDG Stars
0.75 - 1 4 3 - 4  4 SDG Stars

Below we rank the Triple Crown Business schools by their SDG GPA.

Small: fewer or equal to 50 publications per year

Medium: fewer or equal to 80 publications per year

Large: more than 80 publications per year