Welcome to the SDG master theses dashboard. On this page SDG analyses of master theses are presented.

  1. First, we present analyses on the whole theses dataset.
  2. Next, we offer zoom in on the SDG profiles of specific programs and offer the possibility to compare different programs on their SDG profile


We present the following analyses:

  • SDG Profile: The SDG profile is the distribution of SDGs across theses within a programme. With these analyses you can find the main SDGs within a programme.
  • SDG Footprint: One publication can relate to multiple SDG's. The SDG Footprint allows you to compare the distribution of the number of SDGs theses relate to.
  • SDG Coverage: Some theses might score a few SDG's very high and other theses might score multiple SDG's with a lower score. Deciding which one scores better needs a proxy that is sensitive for the overall SDG scores of a theses. We designed an indicator called "SDG coverage", in order to get a proxy of "fairness" for the theses in the set. Coverage is calculated as the (sum of the SDG's scored by a thesis/ nr of SDG's (17)) * 100 , so a value between zero and 100 results.
  • SDG Significance: The SDG Significance mirrors the REF GPA, indicating the overall quality of an instutes submissions. REF GPA is calculated by multiplying the % at each quality level by its rating (e.g % of 4*-rated research multiplied by 4), adding the four together and dividing by 100. For the design of the SDG Significance metric we do a comparable calculation. We use all the results produced by the SDG mapper, not only the results with a >50% proxy as applied in the SDG ratio metric. SDG significance gives an indication of the overall power in SDG relatedness of a programme.

The following table summarizes the SDG GPA logic and the 5 SDG significance metric levels.

Quartile score of SDG GPA Weight SDG Significance score SDG Significance metric
0 0 0 Unclassified
0 - 0.25 1 0-0.25 1 SDG Star
0.25 - 0.50 2 0.5 - 1 2 SDG Stars
0.50 - 0.75 3 1.5 - 2.5 3 SDG Stars
0.75 - 1 4 3 - 4  4 SDG Stars